Orange The World

  • Date: 25 November
  • label.tijd 7:00 - 17:00
  • Location: Multiple locations

Orange the World is the global campaign against violence against women and girls. The Hague also participates in the fight against gender-based violence. You too? Read here what you can do.

The international campaign Orange the World takes place every year from November 25, the International Day against Violence against Women, until December 10, the International Human Rights Day. During this period, buildings around the world are highlighted in orange and exhibitions and other activities take place. This year, the Central Library turns orange every night during Orange the World. The color orange represents a sunrise; the dawn in a future without violence against women and girls. We will open the campaign and exhibition on November 25.


This year, the municipality of The Hague chooses to draw extra attention to victims of femicide during and after Orange the World. Every 8 days a woman is murdered in the Netherlands, often by her (ex)partner and almost always because she decides to leave the relationship. 6 in 10 femicide victims are killed by their (ex)partner. Women are disproportionately more often killed by their (ex-)partner or a family member than men.

Femicide is more than lethal (ex)partner violence, it is also murder of a woman because of her gender, that is, because of the fact that she goes through life as a woman and is seen as property. This vulnerability is rooted in the unequal power relations between men and women. Women are more at risk of violence than men. Femicide is the most serious form of violence against girls and women and an unacceptable violation of human rights.

Opening ceremony & exhibition

To bring attention to femicide, the Open Mind Foundation, the Municipality of The Hague and the relatives of femicide victims are joining forces.

The traveling exhibition FEMICIDE presents the stories of twelve victims killed by their (ex-)partner, told by their relatives. The photographs and candid stories make the horrors of these murders palpable and show their lifelong impact on the bereaved.

Saturday, November 25 at 5 p.m. (walk-in 16:45), Alderman Mariëlle Vavier (Poverty, Inclusion and Public Health) will open the exhibition together with relatives. In addition, relatives will speak and Naomi Inez, whose mother was a victim of violence, will perform.

Location: Theater aan het Spui (Spui 187, 2511 BN The Hague)

Atrium exhibition

As part of Orange the World, the international campaign in the fight against violence against women, an exhibition will be on display in The Hague's Atrium from Nov. 25 to Dec. 4. Organized by the municipality of The Hague and using the app Help For Hope, the exhibition was developed by the French collective Mots et Maux de Femmes and is supported by Alliance Française La Haye, Soroptimist International Club 's-Gravenhage, Zonta Den Haag1, Zonta aan Zee.

With images and words, violence against women is told in the exhibition Orange The World. The exhibition is to create awareness about violence against women, to counter indifference and to inform victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Film 'Mustang'

On Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m., "Mustang" (2015, Deniz Gamze Ergüven)will be shown at Pathé Buitenhof. Five orphaned sisters grow up in a traditional Turkish village and are prepared for marriage. With the oldest sisters, the marriage seems to go according to plan, until the youngest decides to rebel and the entire village is in turmoil. A film about frames and the desire to break out of them. In which playfulness and sisterly love give air to the heavy theme in a very beautiful way. 

An impressive film that was nominated for an Oscar. Mustang is a story guaranteed to stay with you. 

Pathé Buitenhof 

The Hague Hall 

open 18.30 

Start program 18.45 

With introduction Length film 1 hour and 37 minutes 

Ticket price € 2,50 including popcorn and drink 

Why Orange?

Orange is the color of the global campaign against violence against women and girls. The color represents a sunrise; a positive symbol for a future without violence.

With the color orange, during the Orange the World campaign, we celebrate a future without violence, which is possible if we all make an effort together. Because of the energy crisis, the Netherlands will not be as orange this year; however, there are activities scattered throughout the country. For example, local and national organizations are organizing street and other actions for women's rights and emancipation during the "16 Days of Action.

Multiple locations

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