Screening of Nuclear Now

  • Date: 18 March
  • label.tijd 18:45
  • Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

Director: Oliver Stone

As global warming from fossil fuels continues steadily, it is time for humanity to confront nuclear fears and all the misinformation surrounding this cleanest, safest and fastest source of energy.

Everywhere in the Earth's crust is uranium, whose atoms split in a nuclear reactor, releasing an incredibly concentrated energy. That power was harnessed in World War II in atomic bombs and then in nuclear power plants that provided electricity. As nuclear power began a rapid rise, the fossil fuel industry became alarmed. There were warnings of accidents, disasters, radiation and an insoluble waste problem. This rationale was adopted by the burgeoning environmental movement, concerned about the consequences of cheap, abundant energy. Meanwhile, the earth was warming ...

What about nuclear power now? Where does the suspicion come from? Why did we delay so long in exposing the lies? Legendary filmmaker Oliver Stone (Platoon, Wall Street, JFK) explores the past and future of an energy source that is cleaner and safer than any other.

"This film can do for nuclear power what An Inconvenient Truth did for climate." - Variety

Silvio Erkens - "You have to fight for it if you want to achieve something"

Opportunity equality is an important motivation for me to enter politics. I have experienced myself how important that is. Success was certainly not a given for an "ordinary" boy like me. I didn't realize until quite late in life that if I wanted to make something of it, I had to fight for it. Through trial and error, I eventually made a career in business. After seven years in business, it was time to follow my passion. As a liberal, I believe that what matters is what you make of it, not the group you belong to or where you were born. That is why I became active in the VVD.

I also like to make a difference. I have a great sense of responsibility to roll up my sleeves in difficult times and fight for better times. There are important issues on the political agenda that have a great impact on how our country will look in the coming decades. I stand for investing in the economy, for more good jobs. We will have to keep renewing the economy. Sustainability and climate are important themes for me in this regard, in addition to a safe living environment.

Bij mijn inzet zal ik de komende jaren ook nadrukkelijk de belangen van mijn provincie, Limburg, in het oog houden. Ik wil vanuit een optimistische invalshoek de kansen die er liggen in de regio helpen benutten.

Marco Visscher - is auteur van "Waarom we niet bang hoeven te zijn voor kernenergie". Volgend jaar verschijnt de Engelse vertaling bij uitgeverij Bloomsbury.

Lars Roobol - is natuurkundige en stralingsdeskundige. Hij heeft in verschillende banen bij overheid, bedrijfsleven en universiteiten ervaring opgedaan met het straling en radioactiviteit en de toepassing daarvan.

Panelgesprek - 18 maart

Na de vertoning van Nuclear Now op 18 maart zal er een panelgesprek plaatsvinden om over het onderwerp van de film te praten. De sprekers zijn Silvio Erkens, parlementslid van de VVD, auteur Marco Visscher en Lars Roobol, natuurkundige en stralingsdeskundige. Het gesprek zal worden gemodereerd door Ferry Mingele.

Filmhuis Den Haag

Spui 191
2511 BN, Den Haag

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