Beach Cleanup
- Date: 12 May
- label.tijd 15:15 - 18:00
- Location: De Pier van Scheveningen

Want to get out on the beach and help clean up trash? Then join the Beach Cleanup on Friday, May 12! On that day, the North Sea Foundation together with the Ministry of I&W, the Municipality of The Hague and the Indian Embassy will clean the beach of Scheveningen! Will you come along too?
On Friday 12 May, the North Sea Foundation, together with Trashurehunt, the Indian embassy (currently chairing the G20), the top brass of the Ministry of I&W and the Municipality of The Hague, will clean up the beach at Scheveningen. They are joining forces to rid the beach of litter. And they are not doing this independently: in all (host) countries of the G20, beach clean-up activities will be organized in May. With this they want to draw attention to the importance of preventing and cleaning up litter. There is a limited number of places available for this unique action, so be there in time!
Afterwards you can have a drink and the results will be viewed. There will also be an opportunity to check out the TrashureHunt museum and The North Sea Foundation will be on hand with beautiful beach finds and stories about animals. Surely you want to be there!
Why should you participate?
With more people, we can clean up more trash and make it clear that trash doesn't belong on the beach! So join us in showing how important it is to care for our beautiful North Sea and its beaches, but also for all oceans. So sign up! Based on your registration you will receive all the necessary information.
Also, dignitaries from the Indian Embassy, the Ministry of I&W and the Municipality of The Hague will be present to help. So we will be heading to the beach with a nice group.
15.15: Reception coffee/tea.
15.30: Welcome and explanation.
15.45: Get to work!
17.15: Return with drinks and announcement of results and possibility to visit the TrashureHunt museum.
18.00: Closing
The Cleanup takes place under the leadership of Trashure Hunt and The North Sea Foundation.
De Pier van Scheveningen
Strandweg 150-154
2586 JW Den Haag Sign Up