Slavery history of The Hague
- Date: 19 April
- label.tijd 12:30 - 13:15
- Location: Centrale Bibliotheek, Podium B, 5de etage

Researching the colonial past and slavery affects us all. Raymund Schütz talks about what research teaches him about his own family history and about the complexity of this topic in general.
Slavery past as a mirror
Raymund Schütz's research focuses on the administrative connections and money flows within the colonial network. As an academic historian, how are you confronted with your human mirror image and how does this affect your approach as a researcher?
Raymund Schütz
Raymund Schütz is a senior researcher at the Hague Municipal Archives. He received his doctorate in 2016 for the dissertation Kille mist. The Dutch Notary Profession and the Legacy of War. He also publishes regularly on the Holocaust, war archives and the wartime history of the notarial profession. With Joelle Glerum, he wrote the chapter "The Hague: The colonial mercantile spirit and administrative mentality 1600-1940" in E. Captain, G. Oostindie and V. Smeulders, The colonial and slavery past of court city The Hague (Amsterdam 2022).
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Please be advised that this event is in English!
Centrale Bibliotheek, Podium B, 5de etage
Spui 68
2511 BT Den Haag Sign Up