Masterclass Dialoog zonder woorden. Peter Rombouts

  • Date: 05 October
  • label.tijd 18:30 - 21:00
  • Location: Stroom Den Haag

[This event is in Dutch only]
As part of the programme line See You in The Hague and Just Peace month 2022, Stroom Den Haag is organising two workshops on the theme of art and peace.

In a world where war, violence, crisis and conflict are increasingly coming to the fore, it is important to examine the mechanisms underlying these. Art offers new perspectives and thus makes an important contribution to this research. Conflict and war already has a tradition of imagination in our culture, but what about the imagination of peace?

Peace is one or perhaps the most important goal society - and often the individual - has. Peace can be applied and interpreted in different ways, and so has no fixed definition. Yet there is a commonality in how we relate to peace, or the idea of peace. The starting point for these workshops is the search for what peace actually is, how we relate to it from the individual and collective traumas that define our lives, and how this carries through into the making process. We invite you to reflect together with visual artists and philosophers on these questions and themes from different art practices and methods.

Peter Rombouts
is a dancer, choreographer, change expert, maker, thinker, doer and above all someone who connects from the heart with the person opposite him. Years of experience have made him realise that complex problems cannot be faced via the head, by thinking, controlling and organising, but only from the heart, from the connection. The power of communicating from the body beyond spoken language, from within, offers opportunities to represent and make visible how we relate to the world around us. In his master class, he engages in a dialogue in which you gain insight through movement on how to approach peace within yourself and with others. The question "Can peace be depicted?" and the role of the artist will be the starting point of this master class. Here, the cooperation between senses and imagination plays an important role. This dialogue will be about obstacles and pain, but above all about tapping into potential to initiate change, in small and large ways.

This master class is open to all disciplines, and does not require experience with dance or movement.

Participation and registration

Participation in the workshops is free, and KABK students will receive 1 ECTS for participation. Each workshop consists of two half-day sessions, and expects active participation from participants. Depending on the workshop, there will be practical assignments, for example.

Stroom Den Haag

Hogewal 1-9
2514 HA Den Haag

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