Keti Koti event: Krakti Makanda
- Date: 25 June
- label.tijd 16:00 - 20:00
- Location: Theater de Vaillant

In celebration of the Crown Year, 160 years of the abolition of Trans Atlantic slavery in Suriname on July 1, 1863, Mosaic The Hague Foundation is organizing a Keti Koti (Broken Chains) event.
The event includes a lecture by Petra Nelstein on spiritual healing. Petra is an investigative journalist and has several books to her credit including the book The Horse as Therapeutic Teacher, which focuses on her work as a ritual specialist. In her latest book Indians of Suriname, Bridge builders and heritage bearers of a forgotten people, she went on an expedition in Suriname with her sister Carmen Nelstein. She was initiated to become a medicine woman in Suriname, and was taught various ceremonial rituals.
Kwasiba Krioro is a powerful drama group led by Marion Bona and Dino Burnet. They bring social issues to the stage in a full and clear manner. Broko a Koenoe, break the curse is the story related to one of the side effects of the slavery past. Enslaved African families, were torn apart. The effects of this can be seen to this day.
The event will conclude with the performance of the kawina group Witti Doivi (White Dove). Witti Doivi provides ritual traditional drum music and aims to bring about healing and togetherness. The walk-in and intermission will focus on encounters while enjoying customized catering especially for this event.
Theater de Vaillant
Hobbemastraat 120
2526 JS Den Haag Sign Up