Interactive reading 'Wael'
- Date: 29 April
- label.tijd 14:30
- Location: Utopie

On Saturday afternoon, April 29, the youth-volunteer network Haagse Helpers is organizing a lecture with Suzanne Jansen, author of the book "Wael; The story of a boy from Syria" and the person about whom she wrote the book, 28-year-old Wael.
Network Hague Helpers invites you to the interactive lecture with Suzanne Jansen and Wael. Wael has fled Syria, built a new home, but a lack remains. The question of how young people can deal with refugees with more understanding comes up.
Haagse Helpers is the youth volunteer network in The Hague. This lecture is organized by two young people and they will also share their personal experience.
Do you feel like listening to an inspiring lecture over a cup of coffee? Then come to Utopia on Saturday, April 29. The walk-in is from 14:30 and the program starts at 15:00. Sign up via this link.
Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116
2518JR Den Haag Sign Up