Haagsch College - Alle Rafelranden van Europa
- Date: 22 April
- label.tijd 19:30 - 21:00
- Location: Nieuwspoort

On all the frayed edges of Europe, historian Ivo van de Wijdeven casts a critical eye on our own past to come up with answers to today's great threats. Putin and Xi make a nationalist fairy tale of their history. But what story are we telling ourselves in Europe? And more importantly, how credible is that story in the rest of the world, which has experienced the black pages of European history at first hand? Who will want to cooperate with Europe in the future?
Using gripping stories and clear cross-references, Van de Wijdeven makes it convincingly clear why history is never just history. On this evening you will learn how our past still determines our present and what task lies therein for the future of Europe.
-Ivo van de Wijdeven is a historian and analyst. He advised the prime minister for many years and provides commentary for various media. Earlier he wrote, among other things, The Power of the Past.
-The evening will be presented by Thomas van Zijl, presenter of Haagsch College
Practical information:
Evening: 22 April 2024
Entrance: 19.00 hrs.
Start: 19.30 hrs.
End: 21.00 hrs
Regular tickets: €18.50 for Poorters (members Nieuwspoort) tickets: €15.00.
Chef's special: You can come for a bite to eat beforehand, order in addition to your hall ticket the Chef's Special a €16.50, then you are already welcome in our restaurant from 18.00 hours. (Soon you will find the special of this evening here).
Lange Poten 10
2511 CL Den Haag Sign Up