Exhibition Soep Stories: Stories of Freedom
- Date: 10 March
- Location: Atrium Den Haag

Exhibition Soep Stories: Stories of Freedom
The exhibition Soep Stories of the Den Haag Vrijheidsmaaltijden (Hague Freedom Meals) can be seen in the Atrium City Hall from April 13 until May 4, 2024. This initiative is from Fa-bricage and the Foundation Museumkwartier Den Haag . Get inspired by the personal stories and experiences of the
residents of The Hague and see with their own view on freedom. A special exhibition that celebrates every city resident and emphasizes the solidarity of The Hague. This exhibition is part of the Haagse Vrijheidsweken (The Hague Freedom Weeks).
Haagse Vrijheidsmaaltijden
Join the many Vrijheidsmaaltijden in the city, meet your fellow townspeople in a
special way on or around Liberation Day, or invent a special side dish and take part in the Haagse Hap recipe contest.
Haagse Hap - Monday, April 8
To give an extra twist to the Freedom Soup, which is eaten together on May 5, we are inviting city residents to submit their side dish. A selection will be made from the entries, and those people will be asked to prepare their dish at Dudok on April 8. The side dish should go well with this year's soup, which includes miso and tomato as flavoring. The chef behind the recipe for Soup 2024 is none other than Nick Toet of etenmetnick.
Soup Talk 'Freedom Soup on Tour' - May 1 to 4
In the week before Liberation Day, May 1 to 4, the Freedom Soup goes on tour. The soup truck will stop in different parts of town, where a cup of Freedom Soup will be eaten together according to chef Nick Toet's recipe and you are invited. Meet your neighbors, get together to talk about freedom and enjoy the soup together.
Celebrate Freedom on 't Lange Voorhout - May 5
Come to 't Lange Voorhout in the Museum Quarter on May 5 and join us for the city's largest Freedom Supper. Get inspired by performances, eat a bowl of delicious Freedom Soup and meet new faces while sharing stories together about what freedom means to us.
Freedom Meals in your neighborhood - May 5
Discover the various Freedom Meals organized all over the city. From cozy gatherings in community centers to outdoor meals in parks or squares, there is something for everyone. Sit down, eat with us and find each other in the stories being shared. Check out where you can join in your neighborhood via the link!
Freedom Weeks in The Hague
Every year on May 5 we remember our freedom and the lack of freedom elsewhere in the world. Freedom is precious and never to be taken for granted and must therefore be constantly maintained and discussed. To realize this, dozens of institutions in The Hague join forces during the Hague Freedom Weeks in the run-up to the Liberation Festival.
The Hague Freedom Weeks is the umbrella title of a series of activities on topics related to freedom, peace, democracy, rule of law and international legal order. About 100 activities are scheduled from Friday, April 12 to Tuesday, May 10, 2024. The program will be posted on this site in March 2024.
Atrium Den Haag
Spui 70
2511 BT Den Haag Sign Up