Human Rights Caravan
- Date: 30 September
- label.tijd 13:30 - 16:30
- Location: De Kloosterkerk

Work makes you part of a greater whole, a community. And in interaction with other people, you come into your own. Work also gives you the feeling of making a meaningful contribution to society. But does this also apply to the nearly two million Dutch people sitting on the couch at home, looking for a job?
Come to the Human Rights Karavaan on September 30 with the theme 'Right to Work' and talk with (experiential) experts about how important work is for you and for others. We will be guests at Kloosterkerk The Hague.
13:00: walk-in, reception with coffee and tea
13:30: welcome by Initiatives of Change and the Kloosterkerk
13:40: introduction by Hans Borstlap* and Saskia Bonjour**
14:00: dialogue in small groups guided by Dialogue in The Hague
16:30: closing of the afternoon with a snack and drink
* Former Dutch top official at the Ministries of Social Affairs and Education, among others, member of the CDA and was a member of the Council of State from 2002 to 2016.
** Associate Professor Of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, researches migration and migration policy. She teaches on gender, racism and intersectionality, from political science and historical perspectives.
Visit, and the Kloosterkerk The Hague for more information.
De Kloosterkerk
Lange Voorhout 4
2514 ED Den Haag Sign Up