De Mensenrechten Karavaan
- Date: 20 May
- label.tijd 13:30 - 16:30
- Location: Shri Ram Mandir

Join us on May 20 for this new edition of the Human Rights Karavaan! During the Human Rights Karavaan, an initiative of Initiatives of Change Netherlands, civil society, secular, philosophical organizations and residents in The Hague share their enthusiasm for human rights.
Human rights are written down in black and white. But ... can we also feel these rights deep inside? How are they embedded in us? Can we appeal to this basis from within? And how does our pursuit of inner freedom contribute to human rights?
In collaboration with Dialogue in The Hague and the Shri Ram Mandir, Initiatives of Change is organizing a gathering on these questions, and more. We will explore the inner basis of human rights. Under the inspiring guidance of the Shri Ram Mandir, we invite everyone to reflect on norms and values, inner freedom and responsibility.
13:30 welcome by pandit Attry Ramdhani
14:00 dialogue in small groups (approx. 6 people)
15:50 together close the afternoon with a drink and a snack
16:30 farewell
Sign up here or send an email to
Registration is required. For this meeting we ask a symbolic contribution of €5. You can transfer this amount via this tikkie.
The number of places is limited. So be quick!
Initiatives of Change is a foundation that depends on donations. Through the link below you can transfer your donation:
Please be advised that this event is in Dutch!
Shri Ram Mandir
Mijtensstraat 183
2525 VC Den Haag Sign Up