Criminal justice as solution to societal problems
- Date: 22 June
- label.tijd 16:30 - 18:00
- Location: Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

When dealing with social problems, criminal law plays an important (normative) role, but the organizers of this meeting point out that criminal law should always be the ultimum remedium and not the solution to all social problems.
People with mental health problems, for example, often end up in the criminal justice chain unnecessarily because they have received insufficient support in an earlier process. The criminal law is not always appropriate or the most effective intervention for juvenile delinquency or people with confused behavior, while the expectations from politics and society regarding the criminal law for these problems are high.
Is it possible that by coming up with non-criminal interventions at an earlier stage, people can be prevented from ending up in the criminal justice chain? Would that help prevent unnecessary victimization, but also unnecessary perpetration? What is the social benefit? Would it relieve the burden on the criminal justice chain and would it allow more attention to be paid to criminal cases that deserve all the attention of the criminal justice chain? It is important to have a broader (political) debate on such issues.
Rule of Law Gate
On Thursday, June 22, 2023 from 16.30-18.00, the Rule of Law Gate will take place, focusing on the following question: "Criminal law is not the solution to all social problems."
Rule of Law Gate is an initiative of the Police, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Council for the Judiciary. The three organizations will debate with members of the House of Representatives during the Rule of Law Gate. Rule of Law Gate is organized twice a year.
Follow the live broadcast on June 22 from 4:30 p.m. or watch it back.
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, Den Haag
2594 AC Den Haag Sign Up