
  • Date: 15 March
  • label.tijd 20:15 - 21:15
  • Location: Korzo Theater

In CREOLE, choreographer Shailesh Bahoran searches for the origins of Surinamese culture. In a population that consists of Creoles, Hindustani, Chinese, Javanese, Indigenous people (such as Kalinyas and Lokonos), Jews and Dutch, the definition of a real Surinamese is not easy to fully unravel.

What is the definition of a real Surinamese?

The term ‘creolization’ is used for the mixing of different cultures that then merge into one. In addition to Surinamese culture, Caribbean culture is a strong example of this phenomenon.

Sadly a big catalyst for both these examples was slavery and indentured servitude. How can a new culture, rich in customs, community spirit and energy break free from a shared traumatic history? Shailesh sees this quandary as a symbolic link to hip-hop culture, which also arose from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, often originating from a shared difficult past – to subsequently emerge as a particularly versatile culture full of new art forms and connective power.

In this performance, Shailesh – who was recently nominated for a Zwaan award – works with dancers who reflect the diverse background of Surinamese culture, artistically, ethnically and culturally.

This Surinam-born dancer and choreographer with Hindustani roots lives up to his promising status as a rising star in Dutch dance with a special symphony of explosive hip-hop dynamics and refined Indian dance.


Korzo Theater

Prinsestraat 42
2513 CE, Den Haag

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